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Of all the names used to describe followers of Jesus Christ, the one that has really stuck is ‘Christian’. A Christian life is often described as a journey and on any journey, there are milestone that mark our way. Below are three of them, they are not the only ones and they can come in any order but you might find them helpful.


Most people begin a journey of faith because they discover a sense of welcome and inclusion when they go to church or meet with other Christians at a coffee morning, or bible study or play group. It’s not accidental; through Jesus we become part of God’s family; we belong to him and to each other. Sometimes we are not as good at it as we should be, but Jesus is patient, kind, loving and forgiving, he picks us up, dusts us down and we try again to be the loving family he has called us to be.


You’ve heard that saying “he looks more like his dad the older he gets!”. Well it’s like that on the Christian journey; the more we travel the more like God we should become. It’s nothing to do with size or shape or the way we look, it’s about developing a character that reflects Gods likeness. We often talk about this as the Holy Spirit making us more like Jesus; a family that know and share love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness faithfulness and self-control.


At the heart of our faith is our belief in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You would never be asked if you can explain this, but we are asked, not least in our baptism if we believe and trust in this. We believe that God has revealed himself through the Bible and that He has revealed himself most clearly through the gift of his Son, Jesus Christ. We believe God makes himself known personally to each believer through the work of the Holy Spirit. The experience of most Christians is that our belief grows and matures as we live faithful and obedient lives following Jesus.