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Why We Do It

Simply put, because we are followers of Jesus!

To follow Jesus means to be like Jesus. To share his words and copy his actions in response to the ups and downs of everyday life. In Jesus, we believe God’s rule of justice, peace and love is come among us. So to follow in his way means living under God’s rule and praying and working constantly for God’s kingdom to come on earth.

The coming of God’s kingdom is something we pray for everyday in The Lord’s prayer – “thy will be done on earth as in heaven”. Jesus called the coming of God’s kingdom Good News and told us to share it in word and deed with all who would listen and see. He told us to invite them to be part of the same life, a life lived for God following Jesus.

Follow the links called Journey and the 4 points and see the video below to see more about following Jesus. If you contact us or pop into any of our churches we can tell you about the different things we offer like discovery and enquirer courses, confirmation classes, Messy Church, prayer and bible study groups.

If you'd like to know more about following Jesus why not take a look at the video below or contact us.